Piki - Installation

Get the repository

Go to the subfolder, where you want to create your new Piki-Application (here /tmp)

$ cd ~/tmp

Clone the repository

$ git clone https://git.mount-mockery.de/application/piki.git

Initialise the repository

$ cd piki
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Create your virtual python environment

Create python3 environment and activate it

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Install Piki Requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Configuration and Initialisation of Piki

Copy the config example as startpoint of your configuration

$ cp config_example/config.py .
$ chmod 600 config.py

To set a secret key, you execute the following command to get a random secret key

$ python manage.py

The command will result in an error message, cause you don't have a secret yet. At the End of the error message you'll see a random secret:

KeyError: "You need to create a config.py file including at least a SECRET_KEY definition (e.g.: --> **'HERE IS THE RANDOM SECRET ;-)'** <--)."

Take this key and add it as secret_key instead of None.

Create your initial django database and the first user for Piki

$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py createsuperuser
$ python manage.py import_system_pages
$ python manage.py rebuild_index

Finalise Configuration

Now there are two ways to finalise your configuration. The first way is for a test or development system. The other is for a production System.

Test or development System

Edit config.py and set the Variable DEBUG to True and start the server

$ python manage.py runserver

Production System

Edit config.py and set the Variable ALLOWED_HOSTS. Execute

$ python manage.py collectstatic

to create a folder including all static files. Then add Piki to your server configuration. See also Django Documnetation for further information.